
Karma & Reincarnation

Spiritual Symposium

Sunday, September 25, 2022

10:00 am- 1:00 pm

Led by Nayaswami Narayan & Nayaswami Dharmadevi


Ananda Los Angeles
1123 Goodrich Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90022

Join us for an exploration of fascinating questions and answers for life’s great mysteries.


Many people share theories on reincarnation, or karma, or what happens at death. Paramhansa Yogananda, a master of yoga, shared his own true knowledge and experience.

Yogananda not only explains the operation of karma, death, and reincarnation, but also shares the deeper purpose of existence for every soul. 

Join us for this spiritual symposium where we will explore questions like:

What is Karma?

How do we handle karmic bombs?

How do we transcend our karma? 

By the end of the symposium we hope that understanding these truths will bring you clarity, confidence, and inspiration into your life.

This spiritual symposium is based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda and offered by long-time disciples on the spiritual path.

Suggested Donation $10