Discover Your True Nature
Join Atman and Bhaktimarg Goering, Ananda Ministers, and long-time meditators, for an experiential weekend in rediscovering our omnipresent nature.
Explore the depths of your own being through guided exercises and an extended period of silence. We will learn tools to dive deep in the astral spine, where intuition, true joy, and clarity can be accessed.

In this retreat:
- Learn how to move beyond physical and mental barriers to deeper meditation to experience deeper levels of calmness
- Discover techniques to withdraw your energy from the outer world and into the astral spine to make contact with your Divine Self
- Recharge and experience new levels of calmness, clarity, and joy
Join us for 3 days,
2 nights in Temecula, CA
The Ananda Temecula Retreat Center was created out of a desire to share yoga and meditation in a quiet place outside of the city that’s still only a 90-minute drive from the greater Los Angeles area and 25 minutes from San Diego.
The house sits on a beautiful 80 acres of lemon trees, avocado trees, and grape vineyards. The vibration of the land and all of the creatures create a nurturing environment for a serene and peaceful getaway, making it optimal for healing the mind, body, and spirit.

Paramhansa Yogananda
“Because of long concentration upon the little body and its necessities, the soul has forgotten its omnipresent nature. God is omnipresent. Man's soul, made in His image, has in it the seed experience of omnipresence.”